Friday, January 14, 2011

Disasters & family photos

For many days now we have had constant television reports of the floodings in Queensland.
We have heard the sad news of people who have lost their lives and seen images of the enormous damage done to houses, buildings and to whole towns.
With many homes inundated, I wonder how many photographs and precious family memories have been lost as photo collections and computers are submerged.
It serves as a reminder to us all - Backup, Backup, Backup! and keep remote copies, online in "cloud" services like flickr and Picasa, or leave copies with trusted relatives.


-..:::BC:::..- said...

oh man queensland ist echt ein prob :( die armen ,da schwimmen die ganzen fiecher im wasser rum ,wir crocodile, man muss sich wirkl fürchten und die häuser , alles überschwemmt , die armen leute :(( ihre ganzen sachen .

endl kommifeld offen :]

jaa früher durfte icha uch nur bis 12 ,eig jz auch , nur ausnahme war das jz, weil wir bald umziehn udnich dann nix mehr machen darf :((

bin aber jz auch 18 und du?=)

Anonymous said...


Turning a flooding disaster into a reminder to set up back ups for photos for relevance to your blog :)

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